Information security is a vast world full of different topics. Here are some resources we recommend to students who want to learn more about infosec on their own.

General InfoSec Knowledge

Website Security


  • Introduction to Cryptography: A series of video lectures by Christof Paar introducing cryptpgraphy concepts from basic ciphers to advanced attacks.
  • Cryptographic Attacks: A Guide for the Perplexed: A basic primer on common techniques used to break encryption.
  • Cryptopals challenges: Cryptopals is a set of coding challenges created to teach the basics of how cryptography works and how it can be broken. Challenges can be completed in any programming language.
  • Cryptohack: More cryptography challenges. Similar to Cryptopals above but more advanced. Features a leaderboard to show off your skills.
  • A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering: Matthew Green is a well-known cryptographer and professor at Johns Hopkins. His blog shares his views on modern day cryptography and helps people understand the issues around it.

Penetration Testing & Offensive Security

Capture the Flag Challenges

  • OverTheWire Wargames: OverTheWire provides a set of pentesting labs that start you off from the very beginning. A great way to start learning linux using challanges of increasing difficulty that eventually get deep into how you can bend and break linux-based systems.
  • PicoCTF: Beginner level CTF created by Carnegie Mellon University. A great introduction to the skills needed to complete higher level CTFs.
  • Hack the Box: Advanced pentesting challenges. Used by professionals to continue to improve their skills. Getting an account requires “hacking” your way in.
  • SquareCTF: Squarespace provides yearly CTF challenges and writeups on how to solve challenges from prior years.